Superb accuracy has never been easier, thanks to multi-channel measurements, custom triggers and computations, advanced harmonic analysis and filtering, and user-friendly operation. The Yokogawa WT5000 precision power analyzer is a versatile platform that delivers extraordinary precision and exceptional performance for the most demanding applications. Equipped with seven user swappable and reconfigurable input elements plus four motor channels, the WT5000 high accuracy power meter is an ideal instrument for electrical and mechanical power and efficiency measurements. The Yokogawa power analyzer is now listed as an accepted device for SPEC Power® testing and IEC harmonic and flicker standards. Its out-of-the-box software solution, highly responsive touchscreen, and intuitive menu operations for simple connection, configuring, and use make the WT5000 an ideal instrument for your testing needs.
Reliable Today, Ready for Tomorrow
- Make measurements you can trust with a guaranteed accuracy of *0.03%
- 10MS/s, 1MHz power bandwidth, 18 bit resolution enabled by Yokogawa isoPRO™ fiber optic isolation technology
- Simultaneously analyze 7 phases with one chassis, producing over 1000 power parameters real-time
- Precision current measurement guaranteed by innovative symmetric coaxial shunt design
*basic power accuracy - Stream raw waveform data up to 22 items at a rate of up to 2 MS/s for detailed waveform analysis
Innovate with Precision, Flexibility and Confidence
- Modular architecture with 7 user swappable and reconfigurable input elements
- High-accuracy element, built-in DC power supply, enables both easy wiring and reliable high-precision, large-current measurements
- Up to 10ms data update, up to 50ms data update when using data streaming
- Follows frequency fluctuations in input signals by auto update mode
- Synchronize multiple chassis for large multi-phase systems
- For motors and generators up to 4 speed and torque inputs** can be used measuring total system efficiency
- Isolate and measure harmonic losses with configurable advanced filtering for simultaneous wideband and harmonic power analysis
**can be configured as auxiliary inputs - Stream raw waveform data up to 22 items at a rate of up to 2 MS/s for detailed waveform analysis
Precision Made Easy
- Highly responsive 10.1 inch electrostatic capacitive touch screen
- Intuitive and easy menus to connect, configure, measure and record
- Modular interconnect design putting safety first
Unmatched Accuracy
The WT5000 is the world’s most accurate precision power analyzer with a basic power accuracy of ±0.03%. Its accuracy specifications are guaranteed from 1% to 130% of the selected voltage and current ranges. With minimum influence of low power factor (0.02% of apparent power) the unit is also accurate at large phase shifts and frequencies.
- AC power accuracy: 0.01% of reading + 0.02% of range
- DC power accuracy: 0.02% of reading + 0.05% of range
- 10 MS/s 18 bit ADC
Multi-channel Measurements
Measure from up to 7 different power phases at 10 MS/s (18 bits). The high resolution, 10.1 inch WXGA display allows split screen viewing of up to 7 waveforms and can display up to 12 pages of diverse measurement parameters, making it ideal for efficiency tests of inverter driven motors, renewable energy technologies and traction applications like pumps, fans and electric vehicles. Measurements are also displayed in vector format or trending in time.
Current sensor module with DC power supply
Use of the internal DC power supply for AC/DC current sensors simplifies the preparations before measurement and the measurement setup only requires the current sensor and a connecting cable. Using an external DC power supply and additional wiring is no longer required. There are three sensor connection cable lengths available; i.e., 3 m, 5 m, and 10 m.
*Firmware version 3.01 or later is required.
760903 Current Sensor Element
Example of connection to CT1000A
Intuitive Operation
Operable by touch and/or hardware hot-keys independently, the WT5000 offers a seamless and intuitive experience that makes connecting, configuring and measuring easier than ever before. The 10.1 inch WXGA touchscreen delivers excellent noise immunity even in high noise environments such as motors and inverters.
Additional Touch Operations
The operability of the touch panel has been improved. “Time / div” can be set by pinch / out. Also, you can flick the waveform display contents.
Advanced Filtering
In addition to low pass frequency filters and line filters, the WT5000 features advanced filtering capabilities that provide unprecedented control to analyze even the toughest of waveforms with precision.
- Synchronization source filter: Instead of synchronizing to zero crossings, users can select any specific point of the synchronization source signal.
- Enhanced frequency filter: Allows users to simultaneously measure fundamental and switching frequencies without influencing any other parameter.
- Digital Parallel Path filters: Supported by a high frequency anti-aliasing filter, two separate line filters for normal and harmonic measurements ensures accuracy without aliasing in wide band and harmonic measurements. Users can limit the number of harmonic orders to eliminate attenuation in low bandwidth measurements.
Advanced Harmonic Analysis
Evaluate and compare input and output harmonics of inverters, motors or power conditioners up to the 500th order. The WT5000 allows users to not only measure harmonics and power simultaneously but also offers side by side comparison of harmonics from two different input sources.
The effects of noise and aliasing are minimized by antialiasing and line filters with Digital Parallel Path technology allowing simultaneous power analysis of wide band and narrow band components.
Harmonics Regulation Test
Combined with the /G7 option and IEC Harmonic /Flicker measurement software, the WT5000 measured harmonic data can be saved into a PC and tested according to IEC regulations. To support large equipment over 16 A/phase (IEC61000-3-12) the CT200 current sensor model can be used.
- Harmonics: EN61000-3-2, IEC61000-3-2, EN61000-3-12, IEC61000-3-12 and JIS C 61000-3-2
Numeric and Waveform Synchronized Data
The waveform data is streamed without any gaps up to 2 MS/s and is synchronized with the numerical data. Abnormal findings in numerical data can be directly linked and be evaluated in the waveform data. For example, one can find numeric parameter variations caused by the influence of imposed high-frequency noise.
Custom Triggers and Computations
Define and use event triggers and custom computations as per application needs. The event trigger function allows users to set limits to capture readings that fall within or outside a specific range of power, current or other parameters. Users can also define and use up to 20 different expressions for custom calculations. Data that meets the trigger conditions can be stored, printed, or saved to a USB memory device.
Follows frequency fluctuations in input signals by auto update mode
This feature can follow fluctuating input frequencies without gaps by changing the data update rate automatically when measuring devices like motors whose input signal frequency fluctuates with changes in rotation speed. It can cover from frequencies as low as 0.1Hz. In addition to constant-interval update mode of 10ms-20s, “Auto update mode”, which updates data in sync with the cycle of input signal, is now available. This new feature is useful for continuous measurement, such as automated testing.
Easy setup menu
Current range, various filters, data update rate, and measurement period can be automatically switched according to the measurement scene.
The measurement scene can be selected from among “50/60Hz,” “DC,” “PWM,” “High Frequency,” and “General.
After the automatic setting, the switched items can be checked at a glance and the settings can be easily adjusted.